My personal connection with my blog is that I feel bad for the people that lost their families even the ones who weren’t so innocent in a huge bombing that was dropped on their entire country. I put myself in their shoes because now the survivors are homeless. People are struggling to find new homes, and they were forced to live under bad conditions. I feel bad because there wasn’t much thought put into the idea that if this bomb is dropped on this country that many will die. I put myself in the shoes of those little kids that didn’t have the chance to grow up and see how it feels to live life. Some kids wouldn’t be able to see their first birthdays, take their first steps, and say their first words. The unfortunate wasn’t even thought about. I feel for them because many people didn’t. The innocent wasn’t innocent enough to be discriminated away from the negativity that the selfish soldiers from their country brought upon them. I feel ashamed sometimes that I know that the country that I call my home land is the reason that many children never got the ability of going to school, spend time with their parents, or even say that they have friends because of the bomb that the United States created for warfare. It’s stated that many people thought of the energy that was stored in the bomb to be used for other reasons besides war and taking others lives. I remember when the low income housing (Projects) that I’m from was closed down, many people didn’t know what they were going to do nor where they were going to live because of the situation they were put in because of the negativity that some people were doing that live in our surroundings. My family was blessed enough to get out before there was know hope. My heart goes out to those who lost their lives and those who survived and are still struggling to get back on their feet.